Thai Government Takes Action on Forged Title Deeds in Phuket

by admin on July 18, 2014

The Thailand Department of National Parks initiated a plan to take back national park land in Phuket that has been illegally developed through decades of abuse of Sor Kor 1 land title documents, reports the Bangkok Post.

Real estate law in Thailand prohibits the issuance of private deeds on public lands. The DNP estimates that 370 land plots, making up 2,700 rai (about 1,092 acres) of the Sirinat National Park, are being unlawfully encroached upon.

The DNP intends to take legal action against these plots’ landowners. According to the Bangkok Post, potential suspects in this growing effort include high-ranking officials, real estate tycoons, and hoteliers.

This misuse of public lands is abetted by corruption in the issuance of Phuket land deeds. The Bangkok Post stated that the Sirinat Park Office and Provincial Land are two of the local Phuket offices alleged to be at fault.

Although the DNP is pursing legal action against landowners, currently no statements have been made about investigating government offices for issuance of the forged title deeds.

Read the full story here.

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