Putin Passes Law Limiting Foreign Owned Media in Russia

by admin on October 29, 2014

According to The Telegraph, Vladimir Putin signed a new law passed by parliament that imposes strict regulations on foreign ownership of all types of media companies in Russia.

Whereas before there were no restrictions on foreign ownership of print media, the new regulation—which applies to both print and broadcast media—prevents foreign companies from owning more than 20 percent of Russian media outlets.

The Thai business attorneys at Chaninat and Leeds have decades of experience helping business entrepreneurs register a business in Thailand.

The new regulations will reportedly affect several large, international media companies with Russian publications and branches including Forbes, GQ, Esquire, Vedomosti, and The Moscow Times.

The measure was signed into law on October 15, 2014, and those with foreign ownership currently over 20 percent have until February 2017 to sell off their Russian assets to be in compliance, according to The Telegraph.

Read the full story here.

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