New Regulations for Visa Extensions

by admin on October 3, 2017

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Cambodia, a country known for relaxed immigration policies, is tightening restrictions for extensions of working visas, AEC News Today reports.

From October 2nd 2017, those applying to extend EB business visas need to have a number of documents to support their applications. The required documents are as follows:

  • Employment letter (original) or
  • Work permit card issued by the ministry of labor (copy) or,
  • Business License or Patent certificate (copy) (for business owner) or,
  • Employment Contract valid until the latest date of extension or,
  • Relevant document stating the necessary of temporary stay in the Kingdom (copy)

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Many consider Cambodia’s visa extension policies to be liberal, with 30-day visas on arrival being extended indefinitely for periods of six to twelve months. However, the Cambodian government is now looking to put a stop to people using this method to work illegally in the country without paying tax.

Working illegally with these visas is punishable by a fine of $100 and an order to leave the country within seven days.

Read the full story here

Related Articles: Are You a Foreigner Working in Thailand? Know Your Employment Rights

Image: Chau Sum

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