Court Slams Company for Cancer-Causing Baby Powder

by admin on September 28, 2017


A 63-year old California woman has been awarded the biggest-ever payout from Johnson & Johnson in their latest cancer case, according to Intellihub.

A Los Angeles jury ordered the company to pay $417 million in damages to Eva Echeverria last month, after it was discovered that the ovarian cancer she is dying from was caused by a lifetime of using their Baby Powder.

Chaninat & Leeds’ Thailand business lawyers have decades of experience.

Mark Robinson, Echeverria’s attorney, slammed Johnson & Johnson, saying it “had many warning bells over a 30 year period but failed to warn the women who were buying its product”.

However, since the product is classified as a cosmetic, there is no legal obligation for the manufacturers to provide a warning label or to have it reviewed by the FDA.

Read the full story here

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Image: Austin Kirk

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