Paris Dominatrix Earns $1 Million with Bitcoin Slaves

by admin on December 22, 2017


Theodora is a financial dominatrix, meaning her clients get sexual pleasure from giving her gifts, money and sometimes control of their bank account. These types of clients are usually powerful men from the UK and US who look for sexual release by submitting to a woman.

Some of her main clients spend about $100,000 on her at a time. Theodora explains that the link between her business and cryptocurrency is that it is very common for dominatrixes to take payment in the form of crypto payments as PayPal blacklists sex workers.

She makes money through her crypto slave farm by using clients who enjoy new technology to “mine”, which means using computers to verify cryptocurrency transactions, for her basically 24/7. Many foreign men in Thailand make regular payments to their Thai girlfriends from abroad, not knowing that the girls may be professional scammers who extract funds from multiple foreign boyfriends. So far, Bitcoin slavery has not become widespread in Thailand.

Read the full story here

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