Thai Government Gambling Crackdown Bans Connect Four Bar Game

by admin on April 3, 2018

800px-Connect_Four_Pattaya_2006Reports from an undercover policeman in Pattaya tell of illegal gambling activities using the bar game “connect four”. The game is now banned due to its alleged connections with the “foreign mafia”. Another bar game on the Junta’s list of illegal activities is jenga.

The crackdown on gambling follows attempts to license a commonplace bar activity, darts and attempts to arrest bridge players last year in Pattaya. Authorities say that these type of activities put the tourist friendly image of Pattaya at stake and by removing these types of bar games would “ensure happiness was restored” to residents and tourists.

The government is planning to introduce and distribute new types of “wholesome” bar activities such as connect the dots pictures.

Read the full story here

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Image: Connect Four Pattaya

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