Thailand Law provides for several different types of business organizations. The regulations controlling establishing a business in Thailand are found in the Thailand Civil and Commercial Code. Special types of Business entities for foreigners (non-Thai nationals) in Thailand are provided for in laws such as the Board of Investment Act and the Foreign Business Act B.E 2542 (A.D. 1999). The most commonly used types of Company registrations in Thailand take on the following forms: Thailand … [Read more...]
Thailand Foreign Business License
A Thailand foreign company is a business entity which shares are majority-owned by non-Thai nationals or foreigners. Certain types of businesses are prohibited to be owned by non-Thai persons or activities if they are listed in the prohibited categories of Foreign Business Act. If the foreign company or entity seeks to conduct business in one of the prohibited categories of business, it must obtain a business license according to the provisions of the Foreign Business Act B.E. 2542 (A.D. 1999). … [Read more...]
Thailand Trademarks Registration
Trademark in Thailand is administered by the Department of Intellectual Property in the Thai Ministry of Commerce. Thailand trademark classification Thailand does not follow the NICE system of trademark classification.Thailand uses its own system to classify Goods and Services. There are currently 45 different classes of goods in services under Thai classification. A trademark intended for multiple used will require separate registration application for each class. Thailand trademark … [Read more...]
Thai FDA Registration
Importing pharmaceuticals, food, food supplements, products for animal health, or other medical, narcotic and toxic substances into Thailand requires registration with the Food and Drug Administration of Thailand (FDA). The time required for filing product registration application and receiving registration certificates with the FDA can vary widely. Approximate times are as follows: cosmetics one week, general medical devices and toxic substances from one month to four months, Food products … [Read more...]